Maghe Sankranti is the primary day of month of Magh of Bikram Sambat. Magh is tenth month in the year.
In hindu Crystal gazing the sun position during the year is separated into 12 rashis (zodiac signs). It is in any case, extremely hard to accommodate amonst Bikram Sambat months, Zodiac months and lunar schedule’s months. While the conventional Schedule depends on lunar positions, Sankranti is a sun based occasion. So dates of every Hindu celebration continue changing according to the Gregorian schedule thus do the Makar Sangranti as well.
It is accepted that Makar Sankranti is begining of new blessed seasons, which finished with the beginning of winter. At the end of the day, it denotes the finish of unpropitious period of time which starts around mid December. It is accepted that any promising and hallowed custom can be completed beginning from Makar sankranti day. This day denotes the start of hotter and longer days. Basically, Makar Sankranti is end of winter and start of spring and reap season.
Makar Sankranti is the celebration of Sun God. Sun God is the image force, holiness and astuteness. Sun God is venerated in this celebration.
Maghe Sankranti is likewise called Maghi. Maghi is New year of Tharu People group of Nepal.
Maghe Shankranti falls on the long stretch of Magh, mid of January in Gregorian schedule. It is the main day of month of magh. As per Hindu Lunar schedule the Sun ventures out northwards to Makar Rashi (Capricorn). Magh accompanies an opening of new celebrations and functions. Makar Sankranti likewise stamps most of the way to the finish of winter in Nepal.
This year Makar Sangranti falls on fifteenth of Janaury. In Nepali Schedule Maghi is consistently the principal day of Magh.
We clean up known as Makar Snan in Holly Streams. The shower is made for the most part in courts (Triveni – where three waterways meet). Shankhamol, the bank of Bagmati stream in Patan, Dolalghat, Baraha Kshetra, Ridi, The Sachi Tirtha at Trivenighat (Panauti) and different waterways are acclaimed for Makar shower.
Fairs are held at the bank of streams in specific spots. Kali Gandaki and Trishuli streams at Dev Ghat (close Narayangath) in Tanahu are popular for such a reasonable. The Kankai Waterway in Jhapa is renowned for holly plunge for Makar Snan. Individuals even from India come to Devghat and the Kankai stream to scrub down during Maghe Sangranti.
There is a custom to love Ajima mata and Rato Machendranath after the shower.
Maghe Shankranti is the greatest celebration of the Tharu people group. They call it Maghi. All the relatives meet up and have a major banquet for this celebration. They have amazing festival of Maghi beginning from the last seven day stretch of the long stretch of Paush to 3 of Magh.
Tharus mark this celebration as end of winter and start of summer. During the celebration, Bhalmansa (judge giving equity), Guruwa (an individual answerable for treating individuals) and Chiragi (monitor) is chosen. Bhalmansa is likewise called Mahato, Mahakama and Wadghar. The name of Bhalmansa is named diversely in better places. Since another individual is chosen for giving over the duty of the town, this custom is called Khojini and Bojhini.
Tharus of Kailali, Kanchanpur, Banke, Bardiya and Darn regions observe Maghi as the New Year. Generally, Tharus make arrangements for the whole year during Maghi. The duty of every individual from the family is additionally allocated. In addition, while doing obligations, if any individual from the family commits an error, the case is talked about during this celebration. Be that as it may, conversations on such errors can’t occur before the celebration. Regardless of whether they are not happy with the exhibition of the individual, s/he needs to do the obligations for one year.
Tharus appear to be occupied with buying pigs, hogs, ducks and hens to observe Maghi. They make alcohol at home for this event.
Rich Tharus purchase their own pigs and pigs to eat, and cut it at their homes. Poor ones meets up to get one mutually. Tharus play out a few customary social shows in Maghi.
Makar Shankranti or Maghe Shankranti helps us to remember some heavenly food. Till ko laddu (Earthy colored Sesame seed Fudge), Chakku (Molasys), Ghee (Explained Margarine), Tilauri. Spinich and Sweet potato’s curry is cooked as Maghe Shankranti’s extraordinary food. An uncommon kind of Spinich called Patne Palungo extraordinarily developed in Nepal and sweet potato (sweet potato is Tarual in Nepali) is viewed as significant and unique food of Maghe Shankranti.
Individuals of Newari people group rub their body and head with Sesame oil. Newar calls Maghe Sangranti Ghyo Chaku Sanun.
It is accepted that kneading the body with Sesame oil and eating these food things i.e ghiu Chaku, Until ko Laddoo, Spinich and sweet potato causes us become more beneficial and hotter during the chilly climate. A few people call Maghe Sangranti ghiu chaku tarul day.
Maghe Shankranti has its legend. A Vendor of Bhadgaun (presently Baktapur) was doing a decent business. He looked for the sign. Cleaning the store he found the Symbol of Master Vishnu down underneath the seeds. At that point after the Symbol is being revered as Until Madhav Icon. It is thought loving the icon would bring flexibly of food, flourishing and riches to Bhakatapur.
It is accepted that Bhismapitamaha. He was the child of waterway Ganga and ruler Santanu in the Epic Mahabharata. He had control (Ikcha Mitru) in his passing. (Mahabharat is the Hindu extraordinary epic, and world’s greatest epic at any point composed). This is the day when Bhisma was lying in the bed of bolts all hit by Arjun and found the useful tidbits of life and passing.
It is accepted individuals biting the dust this day go to paradise and get the opportunity to be liberated from the enduring of life and demise and resurrection.
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